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From $589 Y Chromosome Test

A Y chromosome test (Y-STR test) is used to determine if males tested share the same paternal lineage. The test is highly accurate and results are provided in just 7-10 working days from the receipt of samples at our laboratory.

Postal and Delivery times are constantly changing. Whilst every effort is made to reduce time where possible this cannot always be achieved due to actions outside our control. The times quoted are from the time the final sample is received.

Please note that prepaid return postage is not included.

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Understanding the Inheritance Pattern

The male sex is determined by the Y chromosome as it is only males that carry this chromosome. Males have only one X chromosome out of every 23 chromosome pairs (chromosome pairs in males are characterized by an X chromosome paired up with a Y chromosome). Females have two X chromosomes in every pair. The Y chromosome is exclusively inherited by males from their fathers and is passed down the male blood line. Any males who share the same paternal line will share the same Y chromosome profile. If their Y chromosome profiles are not the same, we can conclude that they do not descend from the same paternal line.

If siblings are both male and female, then they cannot carry out a Y test due to the absence of the Y chromosome in females. We suggest a full siblings test in this case.

If a female wishes to establish paternal lineage, she would need to ask a biological male relative (paternal uncle, paternal brother etc) to do the test on her behalf.

Y chromosome test results

A Y test maps the Y STR profile of the test participants and then compares them in order to ascertain whether the profiles are identical or not. Our laboratory analysis will identify certain repeated sequences of DNA known as short tandem repeats or STRs, to confirm or exclude a relationship between tested parties. The results will confirm whether the profiles match or whether they do not.

The results cannot in any way define how the people tested are related (for example, uncle and nephew). The client can however, easily make their own conclusions based upon the results of the test and the information they have about their familial relationships.

Other information Collecting samples for your Y test could not be easier! Once you have made payment, we will dispatch your kit by post to your chosen address. Our kits contain the following:

We can only guarantee standard result turnaround time when testing takes place solely using oral swab samples. Using a discreet sample for your test may lead to an increase in turnaround time.

  • Oral swabs for up to 3 people with 4 oral swabs per person
  • Easy to follow, step-by-step instructions
  • Envelope for return of samples to GTL. (This envelop is pre-addressed but not pre-paid; you will need to select the type of post you require)